Sunday Dinner and Tradition

 I’m posting this using my mobile phone, I seem to do it a lot. Sunday is my traditional wash laundry day, and there is always plenty. We also do a Sunday dinner of sorts. It seems to be a tradition less practiced these days. I don’t know about you but my husband and myself were brought up as youngsters having Sunday meal with family, mine was always at a grandparents home. Ours is somewhat modified as there is just us two, but it works for us. My husband, who loves to cook, insists on doing the one weekend family dinner.

While shopping yesterday the store had a special on ham (referred to as Gammon by my spouse), so he grabbed one. We rarely buy them and it’s been years since, but we do get a lot of freezer leftovers. We washed up and cut potato’s to add to the pot and will have peas with it once done. Pretty typical grandpa-grandma weekend dinner. As that’s cooking away I’m busying myself with other tasks that need doing before returning to work tomorrow. 

Christmas aftermath always makes the house look like a bomb went off. I have to move everything before decorating to make room to decorate, then try and put it all back, as we live in limited space it can get tricky. My eyesight isn’t the best this last year and I try to not move things much so I don’t trip over something unexpected. I did just that last month falling head over heels over a misplaced box. Falling is terrifying with age and that floor isn’t as soft as it was in my twenties.

Having moved our excess belongings kept in our spare room to accommodate my adult son, things are out of place and everywhere. I’m forever trying to find new hideaways to try and relocate everything displaced. I’m a minimalist, I throw away or give away belongings we rarely use. The piles of “this and that” as pictured just drive me batty. Our bedroom at the moment IS the storage room now. 

 One of my Sunday to-do is I had to get outdoors, clean, and change the feed in the bird and squirrel feeders. I haven’t been as attentive between work, holiday, and then it was subzero out all last week. This morning I was able to tackle that project finally. All summer we had a yard full of feathered visitors, this winter we have only seen a handful. 

 One late afternoon while taking items outdoors I spied this guy below up in the tree in our yard. A red shouldered hawk some said it was. He was just sitting there eyeing down at me so I rushed back in to grab a camera to try and get a closer look. I’m guessing he’s part of the reason our garden family is few and far between. Two years ago our last pet passed away, he was an African Grey parrot I had 31 years, he had just had his 35th birthday. My yard critters are now my pets of sorts. Once spring begins they will all return, and we have many. I adore photographing them!

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