Apple Watch Hard Fall Alert Fails Again
I’m small but I’m mighty. Not mighty enough to keep from falling hard on the ice outside when walking. With the sun melt and the ground frozen there is ice everywhere. No amount of sand or salt can conquer the thick glaze in most locations, so people are dropping left and right if they venture out. Now I can add myself to that long list. When I first went down trying to reach the steps onto the porch, the shock of the hard impact alone made me want to vomit. My son and my husband came running but I pushed them away.
Firstly because I wanted to be sure nothing was broken and my knee felt like it was on fire. Secondly I thought I was going to be ill all over their grasping hands. I’m happy to report I was just badly bruised. My husband and I purchased and wear an Apple watch SE and 9 primarily for the hard fall alert (set to always on). This is my third serious fall but no alert. My last fall was much worse over summer resulting in badly bruised ribs. I’m ready to toss the device into the trash and I don't advise on getting one expecting that feature to work. You're better off laying there and screaming into the void for help.
As usual we have another ice and snow storm hitting us tonight. Id love to not mention it again in my blog ever, I'm ready for spring. We haven’t had a (normal) winter such as this in many years. We have been spoiled with mild temperatures, low precipitation, and early springtime the last three. This weather event is supposed to be a lengthy one lasting tonight and all day Sunday into Monday. If I had my wits about me yesterday I would have remembered I owned slip on ice cleats. These are the best! I found this set, a size S at our local Ocean State Job Lot, and they can also be had here on Amazon for 15$ and up.
A friend of mine in Maine clued me in on these two winters ago. They just slip over whatever winter footwear you choose and boom, no more sliding and broken bones. Do not wear them in your house as they will do the floor damage. Falling in my sixties is absolutely terrifying. I do take calcium daily to aid in maintaining bone density but have no desire to test if it helps by breaking my body parts.
Eight years ago I purchased this Duracell Powerpack Pro 1100 off of EBay. It had been used once by the seller who was local. It’s been the biggest help not only when the power goes out as it does in storms, but it also jumped my car battery twice. I haven’t brought it out much to use but I know from my handful of times I can rely on it. I haven’t tried the feature to put air in the tires as yet.
I plugged it in this morning due to the prediction of ice and power outages possible. It charged to full in a few hours and stays charged days with normal use of the USB ports and plug outlets. We have run laptops, charged phones, and had a lamp plugged into it on occasion. I keep the Power pack and a Buddy Heater on hand always. I actually like cold weather but hate the precipitation that comes with it.
Yesterday we had managed the shopping we needed to replenish weekly meals. I wasn’t sure about attempting to go out today after banging up my knee and leg. It’s a toss up of do I baby the injury or try and move around. Given I need to work this next week I opted to do some movement indoors at home. My husband went out with son today and picked up some last minute items we had missed, one was coffee.
He is a devoted tea drinker but son and I are straight coffee addicts. The usually congested highway was empty of traffic, the stores not so much and stuffed full with people in a prestorm panic. The one thing everyone wanted like us, was ice-melt. There was none to be had anywhere nor sand. Cat litter works in a pinch on ice but creates a slippery clay goo when wet. None of that to be found as well.
My next order of business was to change out a bird feeder and put the rain covers over them all. We have four bird feeders and two squirrel trays. So far I haven’t seen any sign of ill birds but I worry about the avian flu. If the feed gets wet it molds and with the cost of it going up I’m thrifty. What I put out has been trial and error. The smaller bits just fall to the ground, so this winter I’m changing over to black oil sunflower. In spring and dryer weather I will go back to using my summer mix of seeds and nuts.
For unknown reasons we have not had many birds in the cold weather. Primarily an occasional finch or a blue jay. I haven’t even seen the large seasonal blankets of grackle or starling flocks. I managed to photograph a few hungry visitors from indoors, and hope to see more after the snow fall when I shovel out tomorrow. Good lord I not only now look like my grandmother, I sound like her. She used to adore her yard feeders in Maine and the varied birds they attracted. Her favorite were the chickadees.
I do not miss having to battle the squirrels. They would climb window screens and even go up on the roof and kamikaze jump to reach the bird feeders. If there was a trick or device online to stop them I tried it. Out of exasperation I transformed a tray bird feeder into a table feeder nailed to a tree stump to sway their interest, and it was the best idea ever. To keep the fuzzy brats interested in it I fill it with treats they prefer like nuts and dried corn and whatever else. Summers I add dried fruits, and seasonal foods such as pumpkin seeds.
I’m never one to not work due to illness, nor do I tire easily if at all. My work ethic drive is my strongest trait unlike some of the younger generations I have worked alongside. I show up early and I leave late. We all need to feel useful and have a purpose. My husband’s heart doctor told him last year; the worst thing people do with age is stop being active. The human body is built to move. Now I just need a way to lessen my 24-7 screeching ear tinnitus. *Sigh*
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