If you’re a green card holder and a legal permanent resident here in the states, now is not a good time to travel abroad.

We came to the decision when a local New Hampshire man was in the news having been detained at Boston Logan airport. Then it happened again to another family, and another. It’s happening weekly, more than reported in the media and it’s obvious we are all hostages of the orange toddler. The man is delusional and ripping America and its people to shreds. Why anyone would allow such insanity into power is unthinkable. Even worse is the fact everyone has plenty to say about the hell he and Elon Musk are causing yet nobody is doing anything about it. This is the first time in my life living in this country has made me angry and filled me with daily anxiety.

When out in public people are noticeably on edge, afraid, some are openly hostile and confrontational. It was like this the last time Trump was president during Covid but this is a whole other level. I am avoiding the news as much as possible but in this digital age it’s a difficult task. With I.C.E. being observed here in New England on a regular basis you can’t look away when your entire family consists of immigrants from all walks of life. You instinctively want to keep them safe from danger. Trump IS the danger.

In school I was taught our country was established by immigrants, that we are an immigrant nation, and yet here we are in 2025. The Trump administration cares nothing about law, people’s lives, and the constitution. Call it what you want, we are now a nation with a dictator, a Russia 2.0, in the Whitehouse is an angry deranged individual who has stated in the media he is a "king." I’ve never been more ashamed to be an American. I just keep my head down and get through it and pray.
Work in a warehouse is a love hate relationship for me. I love working, to be contributing, but my physical body gets very pissed off about it. The extra work I took on is painful and challenging, I have a genetic disorder where my body grows multiple internal tumors known as Dercum’s Disease. You can’t see them except with hospital imaging. There are many and they push on nerves and muscles. I don’t use prescribed pain medication for it, I’ve been there done that and weaned myself off opiates years ago. That stuff is evil and deadly, and eventually it stops working at all.
Instead I make do with a protein and vegetable diet along with an anti-inflammatory medication. I’m never pain free but working is doable with caution. I’ve had three lipomas removed since and need to do it again, but I have yet to find a doctor who will remove them all at once which is the standard. I refer to my lipomas as “my marbles” in conversation with my husband to help lighten the mood. I am forever the optimist and only he knows about my health “thing.”
Changing channels; the weather is warming fast and I am so excited. My spring cleaning has begun but with a few quirks. This year my fingers and hands decided to not do what’s expected of them strength-wise, so I have enlisted a pair of pliers to help me grasp and open smaller things. For opening jar covers I have to use a tool first to pop the seal so I’m able to grasp and unscrew tops. I have nobody to ask if this is a norm at my age but it works, so does asking my husband or son to do it. I hate asking for help though.
To a person younger than me this is trivial but just wait. My older best friend started having trouble opening things years ago and I was like, what?, why? Now I get it and what ever gets the job done is fine with me.
In the chaos that is life it’s more important than ever to keep moving forward and stay in the now (giving myself advice). You find the small things that help ease your mind and bring joy in that moment. Set daily small goals for yourself, I try to. Retreating to browse a local plant nursery to help plan a flower garden may seem lame to some but we all have our vices. Nature is a soothing force.

Just go and browse, you don’t need money to be around the beauty. Often I will visit a greenhouse and just take photos of the flowers if not shopping, with permission of course. My husband and I enjoy growing flowers and flower gardening. Years prior we had grown vegetables and fruit until the rabbits and groundhogs began finding them. Once the critters start coming they don’t stop if you’re growing food, so we stopped planting it. The following year on a whim we grew flowers instead. Look at us, we are our grandparents! *Laughs*
When I was a single mom with young children at home I had little extra money so I used to get plant and flower clippings from neighbors and I would root them in water until they were ready to be planted outdoors. Flowering trees such as lilacs I would be given young chutes from a mature bush. For my vegetable garden I would save and dry seeds from squash, peppers, green beans, and plant those the following year. I also would let older potatoes go to seed in paper bags then plant them. Gardening is a way of rewarding yourself with both beauty and fresh food. Nurture and care for it and it will grow.
I used to get upset with the little furry ones in the garden, then one day I decided to watch them through my camera lens instead. I’d sit there in the window overlooking the yard observing their personalities and habits.
There was a chipmunk who would steal strawberries, yet leave the small leafy tops in a neat pile. There was a particular bunny rabbit who would only eat pea pods and no other garden vegetable. The urban yard animals really aren’t there to be annoying, They’re just doing what we all have to do every day; survive.
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